
Angry IP Scanner 3.0 Beta 5

Scanning of computer networks (searching for addresses with known properties) is a practice that is often used by both network administrators and crackers. Although it is widely accepted that activity of the latter is often illegal, most of the time they depend on exactly the same tools that can be used for perfectly legitimate network administration – just like a kitchen knife that can be used maliciously.

Thanks to the recent activity of mass-media on the subject (that popularized the wrong term for a cracker – a 'hacker'), nowadays every educated person more or less understands the reasons and goals that stand behind malicious cracking: curiosity, stealing of information, making damage, showing self-importance to the world, etc. But why do administrators need to scan their own networks?

There are plenty of answers: to check status of computers and various network devices (are they up or down), find spare addresses in statically-addressed networks, monitor the usage of server-type or P2P applications, make inventory of available hardware and software, check for recently discovered holes in order to patch them, and much more things that are even difficult to foresee.

Angry IP Scanner is widely-used open-source and multi-platform network scanner. As a rule, almost all such programs are open-source, because they are developed with the collaboration of many people without having any commercial goals. Secure networks are possible only with the help of open-source systems and tools, possibly reviewed by thousands of independent experts and hackers alike.

Certainly, there are other network scanners in existence (especially single-host port scanners), however, most of them are not cross-platform, are too simple and do not offer the same level of extensibility and user-friendliness as Angry IP Scanner. The program's target audience are network administrators, consultants, developers, who all use the tool every day and therefore have advanced requirements for usability, configurability, and extensibility. However, Angry IP Scanner aims to be very friendly to novice users as well.

You can download Angry IP Scanner here:

Angry IP Scanner

Or read more here

Posted on 08:49 / 0 comments / Read More

Tools For Hide IP

1. Stealthy
For  Google Chrome : http://adf.ly/4PVqR
For Firefox : http://adf.ly/4PVsa

2. Platinum Hide IP 

3. Super Hide IP 

4. Hotspot Shield

5. Ultrasurf

6. Hide My Ass!
Posted on 08:33 / 0 comments / Read More

Real Hide IP - Hide Your IP to Protect Your Privacy

Key Features

  • Hide Your Real IP Address
    Be assigned fake IP addresses from different countries to conceal your real IP.
  • Anonymous Web Surfing
    Surf anonymously with fake IP, whenever you want to.
  • Protect Your Identity Against Hackers
    Protect you from hackers and identity thieves who will be tricked by your fake IP.
  • Un-ban Yourself from Forums or Restricted Websites
    Real Hide IP allows you to access any forums, blogs or websites that have ever banned you.
  • Prevent Websites from Tracking Your Online Activities
    Hide your real IP when you are surfing the Internet to prevent you from being tracked by websites.

    Download From here

How It Works?

Posted on 08:13 / 0 comments / Read More

Going Beyond Ebooks - Adding Value & Usability To Your Info Product

Why Your Customer Benefits from Different Information Formats:

People learn and like to consume information in different ways. Many people do like to read and printed reports or ebooks will do the trick for them. Others like to listen to information. They may want to download audios to their mp3 players, burn them to CDs so they can listen in the car or listen on their computer while they attend to other tasks. Some people may prefer to watch and you may even want to include video in your information products.

Why YOU Benefit from Different Information Formats:

When you offer different formats, you can increase the perceived value of your products. A product that is just a downloadable PDF may not be seen as valuable as a product that offers an ebook, audio recording and transcripts. This means, you can charge more for your information product...increasing your bottom line.

You can also reach more customers with your multi-media information product. Some people won't buy ebooks because they'd prefer to listen. Others may have slow Internet connections and can't easily download mp3s, so they would rather have typed information they can read. There are so many reasons why customers prefer different formats and it's easy to provide those formats...so why not go the extra mile.

Keep in mind accessibility. People with visual impairments may find it easier to listen to your audio and those with hearing impairments wouldn't be able to listen to your audio. Don't limit their options.

And Don't Just Limit Yourself to One Product:

It's tough to make a great living off just one information product and if you make a great product, your customers are going to want more. So, when you're creating your first information product, make a plan for additional ebooks. These can give more in-depth information on certain topics, could contain more advanced techniques or anything that your target customer would be interested in.

Alternatively, if you can't develop your own line of products immediately, ensure that you have some backend sales lined up and recommend further products through affiliate links. Always make the most of your marketing efforts! 

Posted on 22:49 / 0 comments / Read More

eBay Listing Tips

Consider multiple auctions for spelling variations - If you have multiple quantities of the same items for sale, consider having two or more listings with different spelling variations of the product in the title. For instance you could either be selling "tshirts" or "t-shirts".

Include only keywords in your title - Never waste your space by including the words like "LOOK" or "WOW". No one searches for those terms and you are just using up space instead of your valuable search phrases. Make sure you keep your title using the major searchable keyword phrases only.

Include keywords in your description - A lot of people search by description too so make sure you repeat your keyword phrases in your description as well. However make it easily readable and not just a bunch of random words lumped together.

Include lots of details in your description - People want to know exactly what it is you have for sale. Include "too much" information just to be sure, otherwise you could lose a potential bid! Even things like dimensions, wattage, color, and details like that are very important! Don't make the seller chase you down by having to ask a question, it's very frustrating to them. 

Learn to use HTML or an HTML editor - Listers who lump all of their text into one paragraph sell 30% less than people who break their paragraphs up and make it more readable. Also avoid using all capital letters and just make it all around easy on the eye.

Talk to your potential bidders as a friend - These people are bidding on an item from a total stranger. Don't talk to them with "business talk" in the description, talk as if you were chatting with a friend. It builds up trust.

Add color and graphics - Don't go overboard with too many things that takes the listing too long to load, but adding some color and graphics will enhance the listing and make it more appealing.

By using these very simple techniques, you will have a better eBay Auction. You will get more bids, thus driving your sales higher and you will have a higher chance of success in your eBay Auction Business! 

Posted on 22:53 / 0 comments / Read More

How to Block Unwanted Emails

Do you want to  block emails from your ex wife/husband? Do you want to block those annoying offers and newsletters that reach your inbox? Well here is a way to block all those unwanted and annoying emails that you do not want to see or read! With this trick you can block individual email address or the whole domain from which you do not want the emails to come from. Here are the step-by-step instructions to do this.
For Gmail
1. Login to your account
2. At the top-right corner, click on Settings
3. Under Settings, click on Filters
4. You’ll now see an option “Create a new filter“, click on it
5. Now in the From field enter the email address from which you do not want to receive the emails
For ex. you may enter john@gmail .com in the From field to block all incoming emails from this address. However if you want to block the whole domain then use the following syntax:*@xyz.com. Now all the incoming emails from the domain xyz.com will be blocked.
6. Click on Next Step, select the action you’d like to take on the blocked emails. You may select the option Delete it so that the blocked email is moved to trash. To unblock the email, all you need to do is just delete the filter that you’ve created.
For Yahoo
1. Login to your account
2. At the top-right corner, click on Options
3. A drop down menu appears, now click on More options
4. In the left panel select the option Filters and click on create or edit filters
5. Now click on Add
6. In the next screen, give a name to your filter and in the From header field enter the email address that you want to block.
Fox ex. xyz@gmail.com or if you want to block an entire domain then just enter @xyz.com. Dont enter *@xyz.com. Select the option Move the message to: Trash and click on Save Changes.
For Hotmail
1. Login to your account
2. At the top-right corner, click on Options
3. A drop down menu appears, now click on More options
4. Click on Safe and blocked senders link under Junk e-mail
5. Now click on Blocked senders
6. Type in the email address that you want to block under blocked e-mail address or domain field.
For ex. Enter xyz@yahoo.com to block the individual email address or just enter xyz.com to block the entire domain.
That’s it. You no longer receive those annoying emails in your inbox. Keep your inbox clean and tidy. I hope this post helps. pass your comments!
Posted on 07:54 / 0 comments / Read More

Blog Blaster

If your site is not appropriately optimized in accordance with widely established optimization standards (not key word spamming techniques likely to get you black-listed by major search engines), you might as well resign yourself to low web traffic and mediocre sales numbers. Many people don't know or don't quantify just how bad for business these conditions can be. You are losing business due to slow web pages and lack of targeted traffic.

If you are going to find success with Internet Marketing, you have to stay on top of the most effective trends in web marketing and also fully take advantage of them. The world of Internet sales and search engine ranking is unbelievably competitive. It is not enough to submit your web site to the search engines, you have to fight to reach the top and then fight even harder to maintain your position as top dog. There is a new software that can be used to to increase your web site performance, speed, and traffic. Blog Blaster submits your adverts to potentially millions of sites across the net, with the aim of boosting your traffic greatly. It provides site promotion and very targeted web site traffic. Blog Blaster automatically posts your ad to more than 2 Million Websites. You will receive thousands of targeted hits to your website as the software places your ad on blogs that go with your ad's category. Blog Blaster uses the XML-RPC interface to ping your blogs to the blog search engines. This is the preferred method to submit blogs to the directories. Thus search engine is informed that you have updated your content and that your listing should be refreshed. With this powerful software the potential to promote your sites on a numerous of targeted websites may prove to be invaluable. That would mean you would have millions of sites linking to your ad. Be among the first to use this brand-new method of online advertising and dominate the web with your ads! 

Blog Blaster means an automated posts of your ads to more than 2 million websites. Your ads stay visible for a long time - daily submissions are not required. The software will automatically create thousands of links to your website. You Receive hundreds of targeted hits to your site every day from the links in the blogs. You can use Blog Blaster for as many ads as you like without limitation. You have to get on the bandwagon early if you are to reap the big rewards that are always seen by all early followers of a good thing.

Posted on 22:46 / 0 comments / Read More

How to Protect an Email Account from being Hacked

Today in this post I’ll teach you how to protect your email account from being hacked. Nowadays I get a lot of emails where most of the people say “My Email account is hacked please help…”. Now one question which arises in our mind is:”Is it so easy to hack an email accountOR Is it so difficult to protect an email account from being hacked?”. The single answer to these two questions is “Absolutely NOT!”. It is neither easy to hack an email nor difficult to protect an email account from bieng hacked.
If this is the case, then what is the reason for many people to loose their accounts?
The answer is very simple. They don’t know how to protect themselves from being hacked! In fact most of the people who loose their email accounts are not the victims of hacking but the victims of Trapping. They loose their passwords not because they are hacked by some expert hackers but they are fooled to such an extent that they themselves give away their password.
Are you confused? If so continue reading and you’ll come to know…
Now I’ll mention some of the most commonly used online scams which fool people and make them loose their passwords. I’ll also mention how to protect your email account from these scams.
Website spoofing is the act of creating a website, with the intention of misleading the readers. The website will be created by a different person or organisation (Other than the original)especially for the purposes of cheating. Normally, the website will adopt the design of the target website and sometimes has a similar URL.
For example a Spoofed Website of Yahoo.com appears exactly same as Yahoo Website. So most of the people believe that it is the original site and loose their passwords. The main intention of spoofed websites is to fool users and take away their passwords. For this,the spoofed sites offer fake login pages. These fake login pagesresemble the original login pages of sites like Yahoo,Gmail,Orkut etc. Since it resemble’s the original login page people beleive that it is true and give away their username and passwords by trying to login to their accounts.
  • Never try to login/access your email account from the sites other than the original site.
  • Always type the URL of the site in the address bar to get into the site.Never click on the hyperlink to enter the site.
The other commonly used method to steal password is by using a Keylogger. A Keylogger is nothing but a spyware. The detailed description of keylogger and it’s usage is discussed in the post Hacking an email account. If you read this post you’ll come to know that it is too easy to steal the password using a keylogger program. If you just access your email account from a computer installed with keylogger, you definitely loose your password. This is because the keylogger records each and every keystroke that you type.
Protecting yourselves from a keylogger scam is very easy.Just install a good anti-spyware program and update it regularly. This keeps your PC secure from a keylogger. Also there is a program called Anti-keylogger which is specially designed to detect and remove keyloggers. You can use this program to detect some stealth keyloggers which remain undetected by many anti-spyware programs.

Do you access your email from cyber cafes?  Then definitely you are under the risk of loosing your password.In fact many people loose their email account in cyber cafes. For the owner of the cyber cafe it’s just a cakewalk to steal your password. For this he just need’s to install a keylogger on his computers. So when you login to your email account from this PC, you give away your password to the cafe owner. Also there are many Remote Administration Tools (RATs) which can be used to monitor your browsing activities in real time.
This doesn’t mean that you should never use cyber cafes for browsing the internet. I know, not all the cyber cafe owners will be so wicked but it is recommended not to use cafes for accessing confidential information. If it comes to the matter of security never trust anyone, not even your friend. I always use my own PC to login to my accounts to ensure safety.
So with this I conclude my post and assume that I have helped my readers to protect their email accounts from being hacked. Please pass your comments…
Posted on 07:40 / 0 comments / Read More

How to Make Invisible Password Protected Folder

How to create a Password Protected Folder

Step-1: Create a new folder (Right-click -> New -> Folder) and give it any name of your choice. For instance I name it as ABC.

Step-2: Now in this folder place all the important files, documents or any folders that you want to password protect.
Step-3: Now Right-click on this folder (ABC) and select the option Send To ->Compressed (zipped) Folder.
Step-4: Now a new compressed zipped folder gets created next this folder (ABC) with the same name.
Step-5: Double-click on this compressed zipped folder and you should see your original folder (ABC) here.
Step-6: Now goto the File menu and select the option Add a password.
ie: File -> Add a password
Now a small window will pop up and here you can set your desired password. Once the password is set, the folder will ask for the password every time it is opened. Thus you have now created the password protected folder.

How to make it Invisible
Step-1: Now Right-click on this password protected folder and select Properties.
Step-2: At the bottom select the option Hidden and press OK. Now your folder gets invisible (hidden).
Step-3: In order to unhide this folder go to My Computer – >Tools -> Folder options. Switch to View tab, scroll down and under Hidden files and folders you’ll see the following two options
  • Do not show hidden files and folders
  • Show hidden files and folders
Now select the second option and press OK. Now the invisible folder becomes visible in it’s location. To access it you need the password. To make it invisible again repeat step -1 through step-3 and select the first option and click OK. Now the folder becomes invisible once again.
I hope you like this post. Pass your comments!! Cheers
Posted on 07:21 / 0 comments / Read More

Blogs vs. Content-Sites

Done with that, then it's about building the site, putting web pages together and getting a domain name and web hosting.

After that, you go around looking for link partners.

I suppose most people understand what a blog is. But just in case for some newbie readers, I'll try to explain what it is. A blog is a site that contains articles after articles written one after the other. The content is not being written all in one go upfront. But it is rather being updated along the way.

A blog lists the articles in a chronology manner, being the latest, the first. MoneyClicking.net is a blog. A blog is normally supported by a system or a script. You can use Blogger.com (remote hosted), Wordpress (PHP script), Movable Type (Perl script), etc.

Anyway, back to the topic. I was on the phone with my friend, we concluded it's better to have a blog because it's easier to get traffic with it.

Why? Well, there are some mechanics of a blog and also the culture of blogging that makes it much easier.

For one thing - it's easier to get incoming links. Let me tell you how.

Reason #1: Blog Ping

First of all, there's this thing called - PING. With a blog ping, when ever you write a new article in your blog, you can set addresses to a few ping sites to tell them that you just updated your blog. When you do that, you'll get a link back to your site. Ping sites are like Technorati.com and BlogRolling.com. News sites like MSN News, Yahoo News and MoreOver, also have ping addresses.

Now, maybe you won't be listed very long on that page, because many other blogs are also pinging to those sites. But more or less, it'll help. I've gone through my web statistics and traffic do come from the sites that I pinged.

Reason #2: Trackback

Secondly, there's also TRACKBACK. Now, I was with a friend explaining how trackbacks work last week. Now I'll tell you. With blogs, for every article that you write, there will be a unique URL for it. And for each article, there's also a unique trackback URL. Whenever you are at another person's blog, look for trackback URL, and you may want to copy it.

Now here's how you use a trackback URL. Let say you are at somebody else's blog. And he just wrote about something about cat grooming. And somehow, you feel that you have something to say about what he wrote - and you know, what you want to say will be very long which may not be suitable for a comment. So you write your own message at your blog, and lower down the interface, you enter the other guy's trackback URL, and then you hit the Submit button.

Now, that new article will appear on your blog. And because you put in a trackback URL, a part of your article will also appear in the other guy's article as a comment. And that comment links directly back to your article. So that's how trackbacks work.

Reason #3: Blog Comments

Now, my third point on why blog is better than content-site - Blog Comments. This is where you able to go around at other blog sites and write some comments on articles. And you even leave a link back to your site. But here's the thing, just make sure that your comments are genuine, because now days, there are too many people spamming blog comments just to get a link back.

Reason #4: Bloggers' Linking Habit

OK, here's some more. This is more a blogging culture thing - bloggers like to link to each other. If your blog is interesting, it's easy to get other bloggers to link back to you. Whether you ask for it on your website, or sometimes they just simply give you a link back. I've got this many times, and most of the times, they link back write to a specific message. And sometimes, they just list blog sites that they like on their website.

Reason #5: Faster SE Indexing

This is getting quite long already. But I am not done. When it comes to getting traffic, you may not realize this, but it's easier to get indexed in the search engines with a blog. I don't know why - perhaps it's because incoming links are more natural and you don't really go around asking for them. And when the incoming links are more natural, I think search engine will prefer it a lot more.

I myself have experienced where new content on my blog was indexed in under seven days.

Reason #6: Repeat Visitors

Now, after you get traffic from search engines, ping sites, and other blogs, later you'll start to realize that 80-90% of your visitors are repeat visitors. It's common with a blog. So the point is with this one - it's easier to retain visitors with a blog.

You get huge traffic from multiple sources - and the ones you already have you get to keep. This is different from content-sites, where you really so much on search engine traffic.

Blogging Seems Much More Fun ...

In my experience, starting from scratch, in six month, a content-site may or may not reach to mark of 1000 visitors per day. And it takes serious hours writing content and building incoming links. I have multiple sites consistently doing 100-200 visitors per day, after six month. But with a blog, it's not unusual if a blog reaches 3000 visitors per day, provided you give good content.

But I suppose, it all boils down to which you are comfortable with.

Realizing this, I may be planning differently in the future - but I am not certain on that yet. From the looks of it, blogging seems much more fun. You write about what you like, and you network with other bloggers. And the writing part becomes much, much easier with scripts like WordPress and Movable Type. Not much designing, no uploading files, less link building, etc ...

With building content-sites, you still have to build the website again, upload them up to your web hosting, build incoming links, etc ...

This is my opinion. And you may not think the same way I do, based on your personal experience and knowledge. I respect that.

Posted on 22:50 / 0 comments / Read More
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